Interfiltros Comércio

São Paulo - Brasilien
Information von Interfiltros Comércio

We are a 100% national company mainly acting in the nonwoven market for many different applications:
• Industrial Filtration
• Clothing for individual protection
• Components of adsorption
• Components for footwear
Founded in 1992, interfiltros is a 100% national company acting in the segment of nonwoven for many different applications. Currently inter prot is one of the largest manufacturers of protective clothing and was created to meet and overcome customer expectations by providing products and services to protect the user, with the highest quality standards, seeking technological innovations and acting with social and environmental responsibility.
We are proud of having prepared, motivated and committed professionals, who are our greatest patrimony.
INTERFILTROS believes and invests in human beings.

Interfiltros Comércio
Rua Zélia 44
São Bernardo do Campo
São Paulo